While the fishing is always exciting on the Salmon River, the winter steelhead season is special! It is the best time of the year to tangle with the mighty steelhead as the shrimp bite heats up.

What is Drift Fishing?

Drift fishing is what it sounds like. We allow the shrimp to drift along the bottom of the river in a way that looks very natural to the steelhead. Our guests will cast their lines upstream and allow their bait to sink to the bottom of the river. Once there, our boat captain controls the speed of the drift, allowing the shrimp to move along the bottom while looking natural to the environment. This method has been proven to be effective year after year in bringing in the best steelhead bite the Salmon River has to offer!

Big Changes in 2022 for Steelhead Fishing in Idaho

Beginning in 2022, Idaho Fish and Game have revised the daily limits now for the Salmon River, including the Little Salmon River. Beginning on January 1st, the steelhead daily limit will increase from one to two fish for each angler! This exciting change makes the longest running season in Idaho even better. Steelhead season begins in the fall and runs until spring. It may seem like there will be plenty of opportunities to get on the river, but our trips fill up quickly.

Book Your Trip Now

When booking a steelhead fishing trip with Hammer Down River Excursions, it is best to book as early as possible. As mentioned above, our season fills up very quickly, especially on weekends. If your schedule is flexible, take advantage of Monday through Friday fishing trips as those are sometimes more readily available. Our covered and heated jetboats make for a fun trip regardless of the weather outside! Just because it is winter steelhead season does not mean you have to freeze while having fun.

Trust the Top Steelhead Fishing Guide in Idaho

Hammer Down River Excursions is passionate about giving each of our guests the best experience possible on the river. From jet boat tours and dinner cruises to exciting fishing adventures that you will remember for life! We take care of everything you need for the best steelhead fishing experience in Idaho. We provide all the gear and tackle you will need. We even clean your fish, so you won’t have to!

Non-alcoholic drinks are provided as part of your day on the river. You can bring your own alcohol and food if you want! Hammer Down offers our signature lunch and dinner option for anyone interested in taking advantage of the best meal on the river. Just let us know at time of booking and we will take care of everything.